The Shaw's

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family."

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Preparing for Tricks-or-Treats

The pumpkin carving tradition in the Matta family lives on! Created by the artistic Jim Matta the "Boo" pumpkin was always a neighborhood hit and a memorable event that took place every year leading up to all Hollows Eve!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

2 months old plus a visit from family!!

Today Daphne had her 2 month old check up! Wow, its so hard to believe that she is already 2 months!! She is now 10lbs 8oz and is 23 inches long. Her doctor says she is doing great and is a little ahead of the game in her development. She spends about 2 hours a day working on "tummy time" and is doing great. She is able to push herself up with her arm and she is getting super strong with her neck and supporting her head.
This past weekend was full of fun since she got to meet her Uncle Timmy, Aunt Jenna and cousin Jack. Jack is 10 months old and is a very fun boy! Daphne loved looking at Jack and having him grab her little feet. We were also able to visit with our close friend David Taylor and his girlfriend Amy. It was great to see them and fun to watch them with Daphne and Jack.

Uncle Timmy, Aunt Jenna and Jack with Daphne. Jack loved touching Daphne's head and feet.

Daphne again with Uncle Timmy, Aunt Jenna and Jack

Jack was so cute in Daphne's heart bib while he ate breakfast

David and Amy with Daphne.

Daphne being a big girl sitting on the couch by herself. She has started to suck on her hands instead of a pac!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Just a quick addition...

Daphne didn't take much of a nap today, she spent most of her time looking around and talking up a storm. Josh was holding her for about 5 minutes and she immediately fell asleep in the funniest position. It was so cute!

The Pumpkin Patch

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weekend with Grandma

While my mom was here visiting Daphne needed to have a quick visit to the doctor because she caught a cold. She is doing fine, it wasn't anything to worry about. To all of our amazement, she is now up to
9 pounds 5 ounces at 6 weeks of age.

Daphne, Josh, and I enjoyed every second we had with my mom.
We were very sorry to see her have to go home so soon.

My mom, Josh, and I enjoyed wonderful crepes in downtown Boulder.
We were dreaming of being in Paris!

My little burrito baby. Her daddy has mastered the swaddle!

Bosco and Pete were very sad to have a torn up backyard.
They weren't able to play outside for days.

She just loved snuggling with Grandma

Just so sweet sound asleep

Josh and I are sooo happy that Daphne FINALLY got to meet her Grandma!

Daphne loved falling asleep in her Grandma's arms.

I'm wearing my new cozy outfit from my Grandma's dear friend Peggy.
She is getting to be such a big girl!